Meet Our Leadership Team

Jon Marchetta profile picture
Jon Marchetta
Associate Vice President of Administrative Services
In his current role as the Associate Vice President of Administrative Services, Jon oversees multiple Shared Services teams across the University of Oregon. In 2016 Jon oversaw the creation of the first full shared service unit at the University of Oregon, Finance and Administration Shared Services (FASS).  in 2023, The Administrative Services team was created, tying together multiple shared business hubs across campus into one team for greater efficiencies in process and strategic management.  Administrative services focuses on Business and Human Resource department level strategic and logistical support, meeting the daily needs of departments and tying their daily work to the broader institutional strategies and goals. He has more than 17 years of experience managing higher education operations, with previous stops at the University of Iowa, Kirkwood Community College and Portland Community College. Jon received his undergraduate degree with a focus in entrepreneurial management from the University of Notre Dame and his MBA with a focus in finance from the University of Iowa.

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Lisa Howard

uo duck
Courtney Pahl

Richard portrait photo
Richard Menard
At the University of Oregon, I spearheaded comprehensive oversight of Financial, Budget, Contract, and HR operations for External Relations Administrative Services (ERAS). Through strategic leadership and guidance, I fostered a culture of continuous improvement, focusing on customer service excellence and process enhancement. Engaging with key stakeholders, including the AVP of Administrative Services, I directed the development of business plans, customer service strategies, and policies to optimize resources and drive the successful execution of ERAS programs. My role extended to personnel management, where I directly supervised ERAS directors, ensuring a high-quality service provision and fostering an inclusive and innovative culture within the organization.

Before the University of Oregon, as the Director of Operations and Strategy for the President’s Office at Bowling Green State University, I was pivotal in advancing the institution's mission. Focusing on Process Improvements, Strategic Planning, and IT Solutions & Service Delivery, I collaborated with university leaders to optimize operations, developed strategic positions, and managed vital university partnerships.

My tenure at Gonzaga University as the Senior International Officer and Director of the Center for Global Engagement showcased my Analytical Problem-Solving, Team Training and leadership, and Budgeting and cost control proficiency. Leading teams strategically, I championed global education initiatives, oversaw special projects, and achieved significant increases in enrollments and revenue.

Justin Porter portrait
Justin Porter 



Natalie Hardy Headshot
Natalie Hardy
Strategic Advisor for Talent and Engagement 